>>17172586you might already know what colonoscopy prep is like but basically because they need your intestines squeaky clean and free of obstructions for the scope you have to drink 4 liters of a horrible-tasting solution designed to induce frequent diarhhea, after the first or second time of feebly hobbling in and out of the hospital bed to and from the commode while connected to the jumble of wires i randomly thought "this would be a worthwhile blogpost to share with madokanon" and then it hit me: your latest thread before i was hospitalized was all about the army dealing with diarhhea. i softly laughed a bit to myself because i didnt want to freak out my family or the nurses, but i kept smiling for a good while afterwards, it was the perfect "coincidence." out of all the random things you could've chose to write about you chose diarhhea, idk if things like this are completely random chance, i've just experienced way too many coincidences at this level or greater to write it off as randomness but thats a whole nother topic, anyway another funny thing is after going through 70% of the diarhhea inductor the gastroenterologist called and said i should stop because he doesnt want to do a colonoscopy, he wants to do a ct scan instead, when the nurse told me i could stop drinking it i wasnt upset at all because it was just funny to me, to go through the entire diarhhea rigamarole almost for teh lulz, logically i knew it wasnt a waste because it was the intended plan and the plan just changed, it's like how if you want to evaluate decision-making you look at the information and context when you made your decision regardless of the decision's outcome, sure in one way it was a waste because in the end i didnt need to... i guess maybe it was a "waste" but it didnt feel wasteful, i know you know what i mean, and basically thats it, they never figured out what caused the bleeding but it got much better and all of the blood tests were fine so they let me go home and lim