Heya bant!
Remember when walk through gamers weren't all cringy e-celebs?
Remember when they use to actual walk throughs of games and you got to se their honest reactions?
Remember when they weren't all unfunny either pc or edgy 12 year olds and could actually make a joke that didnt make you want to blow your brains out over their pelebit teir shit?
Well regardless of if you do i fucking do
And I've missed that kind of shit for a while
it feels like every single gaming channel including pewds turned to shit after 2013-2014 and i havent found a good alternative in a
till now
I like this mother fucker
His name is Bobby and he has a channel called Stranger Gamers
heres an example of one of his recent walk through videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI5HUStRF90 [Embed]
He also put out a pretty funny halloween episode yesterday and its only 5 minutes long for any of you low attentioncels
here ya go
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IaOQhu9TPw [Embed]
If any of you feel the same way as me you should check him out
otherwise go back to shit posting and playing risk lol