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Hang on, if Lev really wants to be a soldier, shouldn't he have a searing hatred for the WLF? Doesn't prejudice against the enemy faction sort of come bundled with the desire to be a "soldier"? What kind of implication does this have for Lev's relationship with Abby? (spoiler: zero) Since Lev wants to become a soldier so bad, shouldn't he want to become a bona fide, WLF-hunting Seraphite? Or does he simply love fighting, and it doesn't really matter who he is killing? Most 13-year olds I know want to play with dirt and ride bikes. Yet the children in this cartoonish cult are being primed to be soldiers and wives. This faction isn't written very well.
But let's assume Lev does have gender disphoria, and being assigned as a wife was simply the catalyst for him finally "coming out" and transitioning. If this is the case, shouldn't Lev NOT want to be a soldier for this deeply transphobic cult? Shouldn't fighting for these savages be the last thing Lev wants to do?
Lev says that he and Yara have been on the run for two days. Shouldn't the Seraphites have bigger issues than to chase after two prepubescent miscreants?
>Abby: Why doesn't Lev want to go to Santa Barbara?
>Yara: He's worried about our mom. About what'll happen to her because of us.
>Yara: Sometimes parents are held responsible for their children's sins.
The Seraphites are so evil they will punish a mother for the sins of her children. The only thing they did was run away.
By the way, the Seraphites are losing a war and are on the verge of being overthrown... but they find the free time to punish an innocent woman for basically no good reason.