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Poland work against Russians, Serbs, Belarusians and even Ukrainians.
You have always tried to divide and sow hatred among Eastern Slavs. You're the reason why Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians hate each other. You've already make us and Ukrainians enemies and now you're brainwashing Belarusians - You are different, You should use the Latin alphabet because Cyrillic is for mongols, Russians are mongoloids and your biggest enemies, You are Litvins, Russia is Muscovy,, etc.
You act like D&C kikes, all Slavs despise you, even Czechs and Slovaks. Just stop working against Slavs and you will be safe, you will never be our brother again, but you will be safe. With American missiles and anti-russian propaganda Poland isn't safe, Poland is just a one easy target to Russian nuclear shield. You still live in world of Jewish propaganda, but in reality the US doesn't care about Poland and your future, they care only about themselves.
You are part of the Western world, Latin civilization, just leave Eastern Slavs alone.