>>1901489And the Suikas. Those who were there around 2012 might remember Suika Fortress. My job was to update it for the multi-tree version and that soon ballooned into making a whole second game as I took the fairies, originally mob creatures, and consolidated them into their own race, as well as added several other Touhou races like the Kappa, Tengu, and greater Oni which were kind of like Suika only far stronger and difficult to encounter. Hostile civilizations were also divided among a sort of sorting algorithm of evil: You had bakebake which were the ghosts who were the weakest enemy civ and the first encountered usually, followed by the biokurri which were a holdover from Suika Fortress which I nerfed to be less dangerous because yukkuri being that dangerous to a human(oid) civilzation, let alone a youkai one was ridiculous, followed by Tsukumogami which ranged from harmless shoes to living weapons which is where things started getting dangerous, followed by the hobgoblins which were a proper mid-ranked threat on par if not a bit stronger than vanilla DF goblins, and finally the Factory who were hostile humans armed with robots and firearms.
If you were particularly unlucky, you'd find yourself facing a hidden army of military robots which would straight up dismember anything that wasn't either heavily fortified or an endgame military. Or Lunarian moon rabbits. Or robotic rebels whose difficulty ranged from manageable to semi-megabeast strength. I really liked stating out the robots - I think in the end there was as much robots in the game as there were youkai.