Michelangelo was a well known forger of “ancient” statues, even pic related, which was apparently discovered at random in some vineyard, could very likely be a Michelangelo forgery.
>>20690801The biggest issue is the only records which have extremely good historiographies are entirely Christian ones, we have more detailed evidence of Christ and his apostles than of much of the details of this ancient empire.
>>20690800Perhaps there was a large empire in the past, linguistically this is hard to deny, but was it Italian? Or much more likely coming entirely out of the East.
Despite the fact that the Roman Armies of Trajan only occupied Dacia for less than 200 years, and ONLY the periphery of the territory, AND with non-italian/latin soldiers, apparently that was enough to not only erase all traces of “Dacian” culture/language across the region.
Even more so, comparing Romance languages, isn’t it strange that linguistically Romanian is the closest to Latin? Perhaps the root of so called “vulgar latin” came from the region of the Balkans rather than Italy.
Roman stories, which even the Byzantines retold in detail, tell of “Romans” coming from the East (from Troy, From Greece, or from Thrace)