at this shit. Just look at this shit LOOK AT THIS SHIT. A few days ago, Japan stated they were going to start engineering humans with animal DNA, BUT HOLY FUCK THEY HAVE DOOMED US ALL. LEVEL 50 UBER DANGER HAPPENINGS, STAY ALERT PEOPLE. Dinosoars are gonna FUCK US, LITERALLY. I don't wanna be on the fucking planet when we have to worry about dinosoars fucking going bananas in the streets. They're gonna be going fucking apeshit. You've seen Jurassic Park, DONT PLAY GOD. WE ARE DEALING WITH A FUCKING CLASS 10 HAPPENING OF MAJOR LAZER TIER UBERNESS. IM TALKING REAL SHIT HERE PEOPLE, REAL FUCKING SHIT.
Because of the tropical climates and adequit dietary needs, AFRICA will be where they release these "proto-dinosoars". And because of how it is stated in the theory of evolution, niggers are going to TAME THE DINOSOARS AND LITERALLY START GOING FUCKING APE SHIT. Niggers are going to be fucking riding dinosoars as fucking pets and there will be an explosion in stuff. Japan can't keep doing this, they have corrupted this world long enough. DONT FUCK WITH WHAT IS DONE. The dinosoar in the video shown is a juvenile, so it means it has escaped its lab and been let out into the public, MEANING THERE IS MORE BEING MADE.
THIS IS FUCKING TRUTH. I ONLY SPREAD TRUTH. If the truth is too much to handle then you can keep watching the fucking kardashians you blind nigger slut. THIS IS THE REAL FUCKING WORLD, PEOPLE. Expect the next few years to be filled with dinosoar sightings, with full on attacks begginning as soon as 4-5 years once these prototypes mature since they have been given a gene that makes them mature faster. Stay safe, and God bless you all.