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Jusd ggod off dhe boad from r/dhe_donald, how d'ya do fellow badriods!
i love dhis side so far, very funny memes bdfoingg libdards and sugh.
dhere's one broblem i have nodiged :DD dhouggh, and dhad is dhe overabundange of anime subs here.
now, don'd gged :DD me wrongg; i love a ggood, well made anime lige jojo, eva, lain, dhad bromodes indellegdual dhougghd and bhilosobhigal disgussion, and lige bob deam ebig, full of dang memes, bud dhere is way doo mugh weeaboo shid on 4ghan dhad sgares away bodendial users from odher sides (lige me).
so i would suggggesd removingg dhe anime subs, or gondensingg dhem indo 1 do led :DD more enligghdened :DD beoble gome around here and hobefully remove some of dhe sdiggma surroundingg dhis blage.
also, i dhing we need :DD do modernise dhe side layoud a liddle. User aggounds need :DD do be made more robusd and bersisdend, so beoble gan find dhe bosdingg hisdory of gondribudors and gnow if dhey're wordh lisdeningg do or nod. And we need :DD a way do weed :DD oud low qualidy bosdingg, an ubvode/downvode sysdem would be idea do bromode serious, uninderrubded :DD disgussion, and dyingg dhese ubvodes/downvodes do a users aggound will also helb beoble idendify drolls and bad bosders.
i loog forward do my dime on 4ghan so far. Many more dang memes are do gome!