>>19431747listen to me, retarded mohammedean
why does this exist?
>didn't address daughter from fornication fucking because it's....le false!Tafsir al-Qurtubi (one of the most respected Sunni commentaries of all time) on Sura 25:54 - "اختلف الفقهاء في نكاح الرجل ابنته من زنى أو أخته أو بنت ابنه من زنى فحرّم ذلك قوم منهم ابن القاسم، وهو قول أبي حنيفة وأصحابه، وأجاز ذلك آخرون منهم عبد الملك بن الماجشون، وهو قول الشافعيّ، وقد مضى هذا في «النساء» مجوّداً. قال الفراء: النسب الذي لا يحلّ نكاحه. وقاله الزجاج، وهو قول علي بن أبي" (source:
did i put it there? how is it MY wickedness when the mooslims find a way to be able to get away with such a thing
by what is missing from what YOU posted?
>do you all see how stupid this guy is?retarded mohammedean
>muh zionismwhy did allah say the jew is favored above the rest of man
why did allah get mad at the jew when they didn't drive the people out of their land israel?
retarded mohammedean?