>>9703239every Chad I see is with an asian girlfriend or wife. It's good to see. They have such a healthy family dynamic too, where the wife cooks quality food and takes care of the house, kids, and the husband. The children are vastly better off than the kids of white female sub-humans who are constantly mistreated, ignored, and fed shit like McDonalds, tendies and Lunchables. White women have become an absolute cancer to the human race and they'll be exterminated by asian wombs, and I couldn't care less at this point.
>Boomers, Orbiters, and beta males cryingI don't fucking care. You've had 100 years since Women's Lib to reign in white women and have done, and accomplished, NOTHING. This is the future you chose.
tldr: Chad has chosen asian wombs. The whinging of NEETS, Onions, Nazi beta males, and Christcucks doesn't matter because Chad is in charge. Not you.