Quoted By:
On Bill's dejection living in LA
>"When he returned to Burbank in July he was beset by frustration. Laurie had her college life and Dwight was off to Iowa again [...] Everyone had a passion but him. What did he have? No girl, no partner, no project. He was stuck at the stupid Comedy Store doing his routine by rote. He was simply outgrowing his own act and it almost embarrassed him now, getting laughs for being so 'cute'".
On Bill's poverty having returned to Houston in 1985
>"By the time Houston City Magazine began profiling Bill in June 1985 the electric company had cut off service at his Richmond Avenue apartment, and he was sleeping on Mark Wilke's floor. The night that writer Bob Daily met him before a show at the Annex for their first interview, Bill admitted he had just $15 to his name."
On Bill's apartment in Houston
>"Bill was sporting the exposed-mattress look in his room. He accessorized with shit all over the floor - books, tapes, piles of clothes. [...] He kept tinfoil over the windows and kept the air conditioning turned low. It was part-dungeon, part-meat locker. It had a really dark aura to it."