>>19048392>He was a Philistine Greek. It is a known fact here in Greece but foreigners have been brainwashed and confused by the jewskies. Think about it. Why have kikes created an entirely different religion than Christianity? Why do kikes absolutely dispise white Europeans? Why do kikes bash on Christianity through propaganda any chance they get? Why did kikes betray and crucify Jesus?? Why do kikes foam at the mouth nowadays when you mention Christianity or Jesus?? Because he was not a kike... he was a Philistine Greek. Do not belive the lies of the kikeling rats. Their strategy has always been to devide and conquer through subversion, propaganda and lies. By replying to this thread you officially denounce the talmud and you willingly admit that jews are the cancer of this world.Nice try faggot! But he was a mushroom. You can test this theory by eating mushrooms. Just eat the mushrooms and think about it...eat my body...tree of knowledge of good and evil? Keep thinking he really existed! Picerel Jesus on the cross