>>10881159 >PoST-DARwIniaN modeS of EXPERIEnCe are lIkely TO be of A DivErsItY, pROfUndItY aND LIqUId iNTeNSiTy ThAT goES beYOnd AnYTHiNG aCCESsibLE To the impOveRished hUNTer-gatHereR-EVOlVEd ImAGinAtIOn. ALL thE MoRAL ills iDENtIFIed BY conTEMPOrarY seCUlar ValuE-sySTeMs cAn BE ROoted Out fOr EvEr. SUFFerING wILl One Day bECOME phySICally imPoSSiBlE. THIs ALl SOuNDS RaTHeR BoMBAstIC; bUT tHE stRATEgy IS BiOLOgICAlLy FEasiBLE As A SpeciEs-PROjecT ShOulD We CHOOsE to pURSUe It.