I know people are saying daily that they are leaving 4chan because they want their normal life back. But I mean this serious.
Politics consumed a big chunk of my life without giving me something in return. In fact it made my life worse. I lost time, focus and energy. I would be now in a much better place if I never started reading the news and politics. Somehow society convinced me that its important to be an 'informed citizen'. I need to clean up my room and get my life back on track. Focusing on whats truly important.
I know some people would say:
> But look anon. You can shitpost on 4chan and work on your goals at the same time.You see, my brain just doesn't work like that. I find news and politics so anxiety provoking that if I read about it I have to think about it all the time. I start doing research, waste time, get emotionally invested. I become obsessed. Its like a drug. It just drains my focus, energy and time. I have to turn it off completely to be able to attack my other goals at full speed. Gotta go fast!
I will not come back until I achieved my goals:
> Finish study and find job> Work overtime to pay of my debt> Get wealthy and become an expert in my field> Get a consistent daily routine (pray, work, gym, study)> Get ripped (eat clean, lift every week). I am 30kg to heavy.> Go to a fight-club to be able to defend myself and my family when a pack of 'informed citizen' decides one day start a riot in my neighborhood> Find a trad waifu and start a family> Listen to productive podcasts (Jocko Willink, JBP, etc.)Only then when my life is in order and I have spare time for politics I will return with the pursue to actually change something in the world and not to just consume the news and spam /pol/.
Advice to all of you fags. Make fixing your life the number one priority. Get healthy, educated, wealthy and powerful.
Good read:
https://illimitablemen.com/2014/04/13/monk-mode/Fuck you faggots and fuck jannies