Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas. Didnt read it myself yet, but appearently it speaks of a reoccuring catastrophy destroying civilizations. Supposedly it was classified by th CIA and then a bit cleaned up and declassified.
It puts the time interval between the events to 6-7k years which kind of fits what I came to believe.
The Cataclysm 12,5k years ago I believe was the rain of fire like the aztecs call it
>>193372595 aka an astoroid or comet hitting the earth like Göbekli Tepe tells too. The last Cataclysm I trust the bible saying it was around 3k BC, well actually around 2,4k BC, but there is the issue that kikes deleted 600 years out of the life from Shems descendents to pilpull around and claim that Jesus cant possibly be high priest the part about the pyramids, on that point the video is actually lacking some stuff, but it explains how all translations come from a faulty scripture.) pushing back the flood 600 years which happens to be at the time couple of cultures around the world seemingly independently created civilizations +- a couple hundred years believe they are merely the remnants of what survived
They also found something they believe to be the arc which is dated at around the same time (4800 Years) if the time frames inbetween are always the same it would mean the gap between cataclysm would be around 7 thousand years like that book of Thomas says too taking the time inbetween the last 2 as reference
pic related, another view of
>>6967161>>6967424same, thats the very reason i made my discord server, so /pol/lacks can keep discussing such matters.