>>21485656>[Grabbing the camera is the thing they call Cactus.]She stares into the camera. As if she hasn't seen one. But.
But but but.
Cactus knows the camera. Camera knows the Cactus. Haah. Ooh, recording. Light is flashing. Flash flash flash.
ooh haah haah haah
cactus wants tot payk caccaut wants to fiht casctus twnat to bleeeedddd and scream and have fun funf unf ufn
spokey night of funa nsd eath and candy and ghost and blood and guts and fun and dancea na funfu nu funff
kee err aah
plaaay with me
Cactus headbutt the camera. Camera headbutt the Cactus. Haah haah. Cactus juice on the floor. Haah. Oh no. But.
But but but.
No time to clean. Noo. Cactus has to find something. Something long. Something soft. Something to wrap. Wrap wrap wrap.
haah okay okayk beyyeyeyyyeeeee kee err ah
see you soonnnn