>>21415846>You have to remain at the celtic slave guilt level>aryans can't aspire to empire, civilisation, aristocracy and greatness>we must be black communist retards guilt tripping D&Cing europe and its unification>all of the feudal systems that came from rome, we must be tribal barbarians and worship womenFUCK OFF
>>21415798>not joining your gay matriarchal commune. For me It's Divus JuliusMy ancestors were not raped and pillaged nameless tribes with no civilisation, although we did suffer genocide and slavery from CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS, working for KIKES, NOT ARYAN PAGAN ROMANS you git. We were Barons and Lords for milennia, and worshipped as divine ourselves, like I said in my previous post, you retard, I am related to half of the Kings in Europe, (secret pagan) noble families in Russia, and claim peerage in 13 countries. The King of England is even a distant relative.
We hold the Aryan tradition, which is not rolling in a mud commune, you slave thinking animal that can't see beyond tribe that a fellow Aryan tribe was the biggest enemy of the jew and prommulgated the aryan tradition over an entire period.
Baron ungern found his way back to the aryan tradition through buddhism, while serving a Roman emperor (Romanov, Tsar dear father), cross tribal empire is inevitable. I want to unify europe, not stay in a mud hut for a people that have no empire, no tradition, no records, and may not even be directly related to me.
You are a pleb and will remain so until better men rule over you. Emotional woman. You type like a fag.