>>11040413You and I both know that you'll never get friends sitting inside on r/boner. Friends are sorta a time and a place thing I guess, one thing that (probably) holds you back is yourself, being afriad and/or thinking you're not good enough for other people. Fuck that shit, we're all just as fucked up as each other, some just live and put up with it better.
So unironically "get out there" and do more social things. Clubs for your hobbies or interests perhaps are a good way to meet people or maybe in a workplace (just remember the job comes first though). I met a really good friend 2 years ago when I joined a small hiking & hill climbing group, I still climb from time to time and I like to go with them. Although we are vastly different in our interests, one thing connects us well and that's our passion for hill climbing.
Reason why I'm telling you this is because friends don't need to be carbon copies of each-other will all the same interests, there's more to it than just liking the same stuff. Sometimes the best of friends are quite different in tastes but having some alignment helps.
Do more social things, you won't find real friends here or indoors.