>>20142328>Big Sis, you gotta help me! At least put me up until I find a way to get rid of this curse!>If I go home Brown Mum's gonna give me one of her sanctimonious sermons on 'actions' and 'consequences'. You know how much she likes to lecture me about stupid stuff like karmic debt>Jasmine, Basmati, Biryani, Chaaval, Arisi, Akshata, Annam, and Ponni will laugh at me>They're so cruel, they pick on me all the time because I'm the baby and I'm so much more glamorous and beautiful then they could ever hope to be >You don't understand, they're more Indian than human!Masala takes a moment to compose herself.
>Any bed is fine, provided it has silk sheets and at least twelve pillows>*sniffle* I'll be bringing Lottie with me, but she can make do with a spacious closet>She can sleep on the floor if she has to>She's a ginger you know, so you might not want her on the furniture The last remark causes Masala's brand to glow bright red. Within seconds a spectral hand bursts forth from the ether and gives the obnoxious girl an ass shattering spank before seemingly dissipating into nothingness.