Also, remember when MSM was shilling about that rohingyas "genocide" ?
When I argue with my liberal tards about that, I was asking them if they would help gypsies. Typical answer would be "Jeez, hell no! Gypsies are disgusting, they always begging and steal metal"
"Why would you want to help rohingyas? Is it because they're muslim gypsies? That's even worse than romas"
>tfw i explain them they're ethnically the same shit>tfw when i tell them i'm romanian>"Wow anon, i never would've guessed! Wow you're really like us! Wow you're speaking french without any accent! Wow That's incredible"I'm sure many bros can relate
Noone is hating gypsies more than Romanians. That's a fact
Also, how was your construction site today Radu ? :)