>>18558579>>18560597>>18561521As the storm rolls in the heavens open again and a deluge of rain soaks the four women to the bone as they walk towards the cabin. Priscilla and Nicole walk hand in hand up front while the fatigued Colby and Amy walk side by side a few paces behind, neither have slept properly since Clash and now that the adrenaline has subsided the exhaustion has begun to set in.
The Angels huddle together on the porch having found the door of the cabin locked with a large metal padlock. Colby reaches up around the top of the doorframe and after a few seconds her fingers touch a small metal key... just as Priscilla effortlessly disposes of the device with the heel of her boot. The padlock hits the wooden decking with a dull thud and Colby leaves the key on top of the door frame where she found it, not saying a word.
Priscilla and Colby enter first leaving Amy on the porch with Nicole, realising they have a moment alone Amy quickly closes the distance and embraces Nikki burying her face into her neck. "I love you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me", the two squeeze each other with what little strength they can muster then relax. Amy places her forehead against Nikki's, "Listen to me Nicole, I don't know how it happened but somehow Jen is still alive, she's just invisible, Priscilla and Colby have seen her and I promise I'll show you too. We're going to figure this thing out together, as a family, okay?" Amy kisses Nicole on the nose and having been given the all clear enter the cabin.