>>16883665It's different for everyone. If it effects you positively, use it. If it effects you negatively, please don't.
My best friend just falls asleep after smoking weed, so he just drinks anymore, hasn't smoked in 15 years.
I am a prick when I have a few drinks. I'm mean and unpredictable. With weed, I'm productive and happy.
So he doesn't smoke, but drinks everyday. I don't drink (a glass of wine with dinner, or maybe one scotch while out with the lads), but smoke everyday. We're both happy, healthy, productive members of society.
Everything in moderation, anons. This is the key. Don't be 'the guy that drinks' or 'the guy that smokes'. Develop a personality that is productive, happy, and healthy, and literally no one cares what substances you put in your body.
pic unrelated.