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>What do you propose ?
One option could be Neoplatonistic worship of the one true God, the God of the Aryans who favored us. Strong emphasis on respect of natural law, including commandments absent in the Christian religion, eg strict prohibition of miscegenation. Henotheism with deities viewed as symbolic is fine too. I'm also fine with ethnic-based neo-Volkisch type polytheism, eg Asatru Folk Assembly in the US.
>Where do the morals come from ?
Natural law. A reflection of divine law.
>You attack Christianity therefore you're a Jew.
Christianity is booming. Is the Jewish media waging war on East Timor, a beacon of Christianity ? Or Haiti ? Or Rwanda ? Or Zambia ? Etc ? No, they wage war on White people. Jews create organizations promoting multiculturalism in France, Sweden, the Netherlands, etc, despite some of those nations being quite irreligious. Many more examples could be given.