>>13131991>I have NEVER ONCE met a monogamous homosexual.Bullshit. And even if you did, you're right that promiscuity is a real problem in the gay community. If men and boys learned to be monogamous, we wouldn't have nearly as much of an issue with the LGBTQ+ related faggotry that we do now. The ancient Greeks were based. Homosexuality is as European as you can get.
>>13131997>You're so... evilLmao look at this fag
>>13132002>and getting shit on your dick is a gateway to diseasesBecause fags don't know how to perform enemas. Get a real femboy who knows how to clean himself.
>>13132003None of those guys were real homos. Jeffrey Dahmer types are extremely rare in the homosexual community and are overwhelmed by bisexual/psychopathic degenerates. Psychopaths don't care about sexual preference, they favor domination hence why there are more pan/bi psychos