>>10810246I'm some what unsure as to what the fuck the actual point of this post is
What is it that you want to "debate"??
That white people did "fucked up" shit??
No one seriously denies that.
At least in so far as "fucked up" is even quality of action we can ascribe existence to.
The only issue being that your race has done fucked up shit
And has lied about it
And has in so doing convinced liberal whites (and I suspect yourselves)
That an alternative to reality is accurate and Jews really are all and always have been
"Good widdle boys who dindo Buffon!"
None of this by the way is objectively morally wrong btw (at least on your part)
But neither is the equally righteous desire by whites (and other races)
To wipe your people off the fucking face of the planet or at the least kick you the fuck out of their nation
Human beings our first and foremost evolutionary organisms and their objective purpose in life is to do whatever necessary to ensure the procreation and survival of their genes
If you stand in the way of that for race (I.E. by promoting "anti-racism" homosexuality or race mixing amount them)
You can hardly be surprised when the kick your shit in as a result