>>11014008This is historical fact, by the way. The Rothschild family were Jacob Frankists from Poland. Christkikes ennobled jews after they faked a conversion after Jacob Frank proved to be yet another failed moshiach claimant. After a period of time in disguise, these jews moved to England at the invitation of the christkikes, took over British finances, and dropped the facade of christianity to become full-blood jews again. And you know what? Christkikes were totally fine with it. They were totally fine with jews owning all of the banks.
Jewish power is derived from their control of money and culture that christkikes voluntarily surrender to them. Your ENTIRE fake religion revolves around the false notion you're going to get these parasites to convert to your version of demonic cow worship one day, and guess what? It failed. Instead, Jews converted YOU to their religion: Consumerism, atomized individualism, anti-White politics, and degeneracy.
Look at the EU. A christkike construction headed by jews that attacks any White nation that opposes economic enslavement, open borders, and poz.
Look at the UN. Same thing.
Look at the USA. Same thing.