>>11023696it makes it less profitable
haven't seen anything
>delusionI repressed it and actively don't want to remember it, those quessadillas were tasty though
stress, I mean we wouldn't have very different coversations if I were straight edge, I'm autistic since the early age and everybody thought I did drugs despite being clean till 18, multiple personalities is a likelier candidate, as I chilled down after smoking some that day
>find a jobstarter pay won't get me a cheap apartment, let alone actually move, like when I start working even if I was to move I'd have zo get roomates aswell as leave most of my shit back here, still, this isn't the point
the point is that we have land, we have the tools to turn profit but my alchoholic father only cares for his grapevines and my mother only sees the field for kale and other stupid shit that has no use in moder kitchen nor cuissine, but I can't take hold over that as they choose it all in the end, hell if they want to deplete the soil till it's clay with their midget tatter and corn thrn be my guest, like every year they fuck up and the crops are subpar, if they were to plant clovers just once it would help the soil tremendously but noooooo
>whatstupid shit like "clean my room", "fetch me this", roll me a box of ciggies, split 10 cubic meters of oak and beech in the scorching sun of summer for three days straight etc like do it yourself you lazy cunt, I never ask them to clean my shit I clean it on my own, I look after my mess but that ain't good enough snd they think they can pass me around like some gass station bootycall
>lot of effortother methods bring me discomfort and I don't like them
and trust me, basic humsn interaczion ain't easy, not for me, never was never will be
>publicyou do realise everything would be done from my home/I'd be brining the goose to them in a car/van? I don't have a marketing licence