>>5570031Ok atleast one person got something useful out of this data.
Its good to think about it yourself and make your own conclusions. However ill save you the time on a few things.
N1 POTUS is related by blood with every US president including the Clinton(s). The elections are a distraction. The real masters of the world are supernatural, transdimensional, nasty and out to literally destroy humanity. The fallen DNA/bloodline is ancient. All occult / satanism/ new age/ symbols trace back to Babylon. Nephilim HQ is the Sardine Islands. The middle east wars are fought for ancient artifacts. All the world leaders are occult satanic NWO buddies. Look at NATO or the EU union. All blueprints.
There ARE reptilians (also found in the bible strange enough) but they are just 1 faction of freak offspring and genetic tinkering. As in the days of Noah so does man play god now.
We tamper with DNA and create hybrids just like in those days. Society has fallen morally and spiritually. Sodom and Gomorah were purged by sulfur. the second judgment is by fire. ! pic related : blue dress lady -> belt.