>>18674241>Behind the drawing a letter is writtenDeaw Nikki,
Wanga heaw about fwen Sapphiwe and mom and Wanga sowwy. They west in peace. Wanga also heaw fwom people in Ape Owphanage you have big head owie. Mother Supewiow say you weally sick in head and hope it get bettew soon.
Wanga also heaw you are weally, weally sad. Wanga not know how make Nikki feel bettew because when Wanga feel sad Wanga watch Nikki matches and intewview. Wanga not think you watch youwself make you feel bettew.
I heaw you have big sad fow long time but Wanga know you gweat fightew and no head owie ow big sad can beat you.
You inspiwe Wanga and people now wite Wanga fwom all ovew world and say Wanga inspiwe them. Even if people say you do bad things and bad person Wanga not bewieve because you save Wanga life. Wanga want wetuwn favor and save youws too.
I know things feel bad and not good wight now but thewe always hope. Fow Wanga dawk time and big sad end when Wanga leawn about you and stawt follow youw caweew. Sapphiwe gone but you still have plenty fwens. Wanga want Nikki to find hew own Nikki to take hew to bettew pwace.
Biggest fan,
Wanga Wanga
P.S. Wed Haiw togethew STWONG!
P.P.S. Sowwy if some colow out of line in dwawing. Wanga cwy while dwaw and mess up mawkews and cwayons.
P.P.P.S. What favowite ice cweam? Mine pistachio.