>>19533992>>457777520>>457778842>>457779984Weird. I post some serious sauce in a thread re mind control and the OP ignores it?
>>457780668>posts are interestingYou can read the study screen shots.
>>457782171LOL they are indeed incredibly stupid.
>>457782343Each individual human NPC or not, has a "vibration/frequency/aura" that is unique to them. I learned this by (something something)..if I am in contact with a Parkinson's person for example I learn their frequency it's familiar. If I am in contact with someone diagnosed with Parkinsons and I don't feel that same vibration, I have them get a second opinion. I've never been wrong. Thus if medication helps control a diagnosed Schizo's symptoms they are indeed Schizo, if medication does not help they are not. All the medication in the world isn't going to help Havana Syndrome or Interference syndrome. The frequencies are out of sync. To me a true Schizo feels like a guitar string plucked...vibrating out of synch.I don't know how to explain it. The true TIs don't feel this way. They feel completely different.
>>457782456>The best thing I can do is help to spread information toLock people into a certain mindset "it must be this". Using information that is true to control which direction people think is also a tactic.
There is mostly zero interaction with my posts. I find that most curious.
This is how I know who's running this op. I could start a thread using my posts and there would be crickets.
>>457785261KEK for lack of a better word? Yes.
Anyone who wants to start deprogramming themselves from linear time--start with the most excellent "cartoon" Sassy the Sasquatch. It's a great place to start. Fire one up--relax the mind, imagine, look, explore.