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I'm of the OPINION that confession should be before God, not men, because it is He whose judgment of you according to the Torah matters, not men's.
While the actions you do for other people from your faith will be good for them, all actions you do should be for God and His Glory.
While men will look at you and measure your faith by the actions you do, only God knows your faith, and whether it's true or not, and only He will determine if your faith (coupled with its resulting actions) are sufficient to be saved or not. This is the principle of trusting God. You know you are never enough for Salvation, and can only know He will keep His Word as long as you believe, and he will NOT cast you out.
It is great to confess your sins, and to acknowledge your wrongdoings, even publicly. But I think you must do so before God, alone, because it is between you and Him, and it's really nobody else's business. However, if you do it publicly or collectively make sure you don't do it with the motive of appearing righteous before others, because boasting indirectly is obviously not the point of confession.
You can speak to God directly regarding those matters, with no human mediator needed:
>For God is one;[a] and there is but one Mediator between God and humanity, Yeshua the Messiah, himself human,
(1 Timothy 2:5 CJB)