>>19455926>you can enslave creatures>you can enslave humans>you can sell said creatures and humans>you can make enslaved creatures and humans do your bidding, have them get depressed and still force them into a sweat shop>you can butcher your enslaved creatures or humans like animals for any reason without repercussions>Nintendo, who are the most copyright butthurt nation ever, cannot sue or do shit because this game literally copied pokemon>butt hurt journalists or sissy faggots are literally seething at the game because you can use an imaginary animal like a machine gun without its will>it is becoming a statement at this point>big game companies are increasing their prices because of itThis game is so connected to politics, that it is just funny.
It shows people's true colors.
>people don't care if their game has slavery, gore, sexuality or contradictions, they just want to play a good and fun gameAlso AAA companies are seething hard because they have switched their model from making good games into making games for money. So quality is low, quantity is high. Small indie companies like this one literally makes them look like the biggest faggots on earth and they cannot do anything than to increase their prices and show empty promises.
It is honestly comical how this game swept the world and is cracking the faggot leftism movement and the ruined state of video game companies.