>>295834Why is a knowledge of the contents of the
Protocols important now? Because they outline a
detailed plan for the destruction of the Christian
world and for its conquest and control by a hand-
ful of Jews known as the Sanhedrin, *and because
most of it has already been accomplished. All
that is left to complete the conquest is for the
Sanhedrin to openly declare its power over all the
governments. The first step towards completing
the conquest was taken when the United States
Congress adopted the so-called -United Nations
charter which created the world super government*
outlined in the Protocols. The next step will be
taken when other nations do the same thing and
provide military forces for the so-called Security
Council created by the charter, to oppress and
suppress the peoples of all nations. When this is
done, the rulership of the Sanhedrin over the
world, will be complete. The United States, Great
Britain and Russia are already under Sanhedrin
control, though the people of these nations do not
know it.
If the Sanhedrin is the power that has ruled
the world during the past fifty years, then every-
thing that has transpired during that time is un-
derstood. It was in accordance with the plan out-
lined in the Protocols that both revolutions (1905
and 1917) occurred in Russia; that we have had
two world wars ; that the stock markets of the
world collapsed in 1929; fhat we have had world
anti-semitism and that we even now have the
threat of world revolution uttered by the blatant
fake socialist Harold J. Laski of London, the pal
of Felix Frankfurter, who says that revolution will
come to the United States. The Sanhedrin then
is only another name for the “Learned Elders of
Zion” who are implementing all the steps in the
program outlined in the Protocols. The Jews as
a whole know nothing about this program, nor do
they know anything about the Sanhedrin.