>>1885699>How do we save anime?Less cute girls doing cute things being the main focus - you know it to be true
>How do we solve the phoneposting problem?Make capchas shittier and more obtrusive that you need a keyboard and mouse to solve them.
>How to summon a new avatarfag?/a/ is directing its old generals to /bant/, they should be coming soon
>How to force an ebin meme?Have it claim a major GET.
>How to make a good imptrash thread?Impossible.
>Green Tea?No thanks.
>How to I achieve Alzheimer?Sit around doing nothing all day for many days straight.
>How to blow it out my ass?Laxative.
>How do we get rid of rudeposters?Also laxative.
>How to we delete Kagariposter?I also suggest laxative.
>How to script gets?Ask Kagariposter.
>How to peanuts in coke without dying?Use the glass bottle amount of coke and insert peanuts immediately before drinking.
>Is the Cult of the Fishe already an official religion like Cult of Kek?I would not go that far yet. It is a developing movement, however, and I see it outside of /bant/ sometimes.
>How to go back to >>>/s4s/, >>>/b/, >>>/qa/, >>>/jp/ and >>>/pol/ ?You don't. Once you are here, you are here forever.
>Why are traps so cute?Felixposter was pretty endearing for an avatarfag. That does not make traps not gay.
>Which frogs are okay to post and which don't?Tempted to say none even though there is a technicality for Apu. Frenposters have been real dicks lately, but in a different way from those who post the Frog.
>How do we spread the useage of tripcodes and names?That will happen on its own as the need arises.
>Why is KPOP still not banned like CP?They do not break any rules. They do not interact outside of their thread. They are weirdos in a tower.
>Should we dab on the haters?No, it reminds me of dumb Frog picture.
>How to I achieve Alzheimer?If I told you, you would just forget.
>Are the old/bant/fags the true cancer of /bant/?Not really, no.
>Should I kys for making this thread?Reply hazy.