>>13174381Genesis 34:21-25
You really want to be like them?
Galatians 3:28
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.People in insane asylums often dont know theyre insane. They even think theyre the sane ones, and its everyone else who are insane. The same is true for evil. The most evil people and actions are often those of noble intentions. They think they're the good guys.
If you reread the bible with this in mind, it makes perfect sense. Once youre finished with Exodus OP, read the opposing narrative. The Egyptians perspective of the same events.
http://www.skeptically.org/oldtestament/id4.htmlThe Israelites were the worst people imaginable. They should not be worshipped. Just like the Jews of today, they should be wrapped in lead and tossed into the sea. They are a plague on the human race. Christcucks enable their behavior. They act as both sword and shield. Christcuckendom is literally Judaism-lite. Its Judaism for the goyim, with some of the restrictions lifted to make it more palatable to the goyim. Christcuckery predisposes you to the exploitation of the Jew. It operates under the assumption that Jews are the "chosen ones".
Christcucks and Jews both believe in something called the Messianic Age. The belief that the coming of a Jewish Messiah will lead to an era of prosperity, where people want for nothing and throw down their weapons and stop all warfare and living in peace and harmony. Jews believe the messiah must arrive by the year 2240. Christcucks believe he already came, and his name was Jewsus. Look around you though, war exists, there is no peace or harmony, people still die of starvation, hence Jewsus was not the Messiah. The globohomo is the passing of the torch from Christcuckendom to Judaism.