>>11292458>Why would Q start here if they weren't against the jew? Out of all the places to start they chose this place.Because its a psyop? Your Newfagness is showing.
Here is a better question. If Trump is Q, and he wants "normies" to know he is Q, why would he spam 8/ch which is covered top to bottom with Swastikas, and multiple permanent Stickies saying "THIS IS A NAZI BOARD AND WE ARE GOING TO KILL ALL THE MINORITIES!".
AND... if Trump is Q, he wants you to know he's Q, and he's spamming LOLStormfront sites with his Q posts...why has no one in the MSM ever accused him of posting these messages on White Supremacist websites? Talk about the lowest of low hanging fruit.
And then to top it all off, the secret identity of the POTUS is hiding behind a fucking Tripcode that any random faggot can spoof and can easily be hacked as well.