>>19390211>[Kelly Omega rises as Karna goes storming out. She looks hurt.]"She went without me?"
>[Whatever. It was stupid to think otherwise. Now Omega is mad again. This is why you don't let your guard down. Don't try and help. Don't offer advice. Speak loud, make them listen.]"Boo-fucking-hoo, the lot of you. The Goddess-damned Monkey only got to where she did in the Rookie Cup from shitty refereeing. Jade wouldn't have even been in tha match if she didn't get a lucky NOT-break against that absolute waste of time and space known as Holly fucking Hope-Again. You, Hisakuma, get off your fucking horse's ass as start try to get a match. Go to Romero in the Dojo. Go to Burger Bear's Gym. Fuck, go to Priscilla's lesbian sex cult. They'll fight you, or more."
"Fuck. You're all living here in Claire's fucking house and all you do is complain. I've been keeping this place clean while you're off playing, what, fucking parkour games? And you, the fucking Gun Girl wannabe, the fuck have you been doing? Coming back from the dead to live in the Skeleton's house not enough for you, you wanna let your inconsiderate little fuck of a friend break her shit? And when fucking Karna comes back down I'll say this to her goddess-damned face because unlike you lot I actually do what I say I'm gonna do. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK!"
"I am the Breast Bout Machine of this fucking company you bad mouth in front of me. I give that fucking piece of shit Holly and that stupid fucking Monkey all the advice in the world and -- aww, boo hoo, they cry about it. Get upset when things aren't fucking handed to them. I tore my way through Goon fucking Japan, sleeping on floors and eating stale bread, and I am PROUD of the fact you ENTITLED FUCKING IDIOTS don't have to do that now. I am Kelly -- BY FUCKING GODDESS -- Omega. I'm hurt, and I'm old, and I'm tired, and I'm working with fucking children."