>>12981811Yep; they know where the problems lie...delta smelt fish and Gov. Newsome's Biden-era directives to release water into the Pacific, overturning 45's request to route the excess snowmelt waters to support Central Valley farming communities.
>"Petition to Request Delta Smelt Be Declared Extinct will be Filed With Fish and GameA declaration of extinction would allow access to massive amounts of new water for families and farmers...Only four smelt have been collected since July 2018, after thousands of Department of Fish and Wildlife trawling surveys. >Nonetheless, pumping water into storage is always throttled back about Jan – May when it is thought smelt could be migrating. The problem is, this is also during the Spring thaw, and we are not able to take full advantage of the snow melt before it meets the ocean. A declaration of extinction would allow us to access massive amounts of new water for families and farmers that is currently being squandered to the sea for smelt in which these government agencies have failed to save for nearly 30 years."
>"In the last 14 days, 90% of Delta inflow went to sea. It’s equal to a year’s supply of water for 1 million people."It's typical California counter-resourse-politicking.
Two of the best articles I have found explain what's going on.