>>13145884It's not evil as much as it is stupid. It lets people pursue hedonism, vice, and narcissism despite the fact that this harms society. These rituals are the reason why the Canaanites were never able to produce a stable and legitimate empire that could contest the Egyptians, Greeks, Babylonians, or Persians.
These cultures all had much more functional moral codes and rituals. The moral codes of the Canaanites spread disease and discontentment among their own people. They are terrible to govern a society with and only had value as weapons of war by blighting rival civilizations with temptation.
They are just shitty, stupid, and self-harming rituals of ass-fucking peasant retards who lived in dirt and collapsed because their rituals did not produce the effect of morality.
Morality is the backbone of civilization. The more moral a civilization is, the more powerful and stable it is. This proves itself in every corner of the world. The more moral a civilization, the more powerful and stable it becomes. The White Peasants allowed Jewish saboteurs to steal the West, and the Jews are a 2,000 year old caste of genetic criminals that have no understanding of how to operate a country. Instead, they just perform subversive domestic terror and well poisoning on their own slaves, solely because the Jews never received any manual on how to operate society.
The Jews were trained only to subvert and poison societies, and learned nothing about how to run them. This was the job of the Jews and they evolved for 2,000 years to perform this job and only this job. This is why the West is falling to shit.
You need a valid, functional caste of slavers to operate and orchestrate society, and the Jews are the furthest possible thing from valid slavers. This is evidenced by their autistic degree of faith in Canaanite ritual, to the point where they use 2,000 year old weapons of subversive warfare on their own countries in hopes of gaining "divine favors".