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There are literal prostitutes out there who make hundreds of thousands of dollars every month without even needing to have sex with anyone. There are people who get paid the same amount of money by simply playing video games for an audience. Niggers can babble nigger speak into a microphone and make millions of dollar from jewish record companies. These people all make more money in a year than I or any other regular Joe will ever see in my lifetime, even if working 10 hours a day 7 days a week in a regular job.
Why the fuck do you think I want to work for a system that is so utterly broken, corrupted and stacked against me? I'd rather just do nothing and get paid a measly amount of neetbux, than to entertain the idea that I want to do anything for them just to get more money which I can further fuel back into their shit system
Fuck this gay earth, the nukes can't come soon enough