this one's soojin. i was going to include the clarification in my last post but i had to post the naeun beer
>>10704072basically gear has it's own level that goes up or down depending what you got it from and affects how many numbers it has on it but not the actual stats. for example an item level 100 staff might have 100 intellect and 50 crit, but you can get that same staff with item level 110 and then it'll have 110 intellect and 55 crit.
i had a 465 item level staff before and the new one i got is 475 item level, but it has a unique passive effect instead of some of the stats. the problem is that the passive effect sucks so much that it's not worth missing out on stats for most of the time
what do you mean two lines?
very jealous. no foreign alcohols around here
i really hate this to be honest. it just sounds all over the place to me