It has a simple explanation. The Americucks are trying to bring unity between the pedofiles and the rightwingers. Lmao. The plan was taken from Ronald Reagan and it may have worked back in the days but not now. There will never be any form of unity between transexual pedofiles and the rightwingers. Hell will freeze to ice before that happens.
Vid verry related. This is what they're swinging for. same thing is going on with the CEO murder. There never was a murder. They know that the left and right hates those fuckers equally much so they're trying to use that as some kind of happening to bring some form of understanding between us and them. Dont fall for it.
There will never be any form of unity ever again. I dont care if the frikking aliens knock on my door. I would rather join them as a pet then joining your failed liberal experiment.
Go fuck yourselfs and have a nice day.