>>6385137No, there exist in this world eternals who fix or swap timeliness towards one that is more to their liking. They try to do it without harming our memories but it is never 100% accurate. They can't hide all the evidence that we have swapped time lines. U know the war in Syria? It escelated to open conflict between america and russia at least times that I know of. The first time was during the Obama administration, the second was when Hillary got elected, the third was when trump bombed assad airfield were the chemical weapons were and Russian soldiers were at the airfield. The fourth was just last week... all of them resulted in nuclear war and humanities destruction. We should be thankful for the eternals swapping timelines to ensure our survival. However I feel they have another purpose as well... I mean they could have any purpose as we know little of them altering motives for the continuation of humanity. They may not have our best interests at heart.