>>6558608>do cooking threads due to a large amount of people being unable to cook.You will always say that. But we both know that simply isn't true.
>Anonymous is a l-love machine~Yeah. A machine whose love you enjoy.
>And here, I'll prove it.Yeah, you proved all I said was truth. There's no need to include your voice or anythin like that. Yet you did.
We both know the cooking is second, and the main dish is showing off yourself.
>>6558628Because you know competition in such places like instagram are rough. You might not be able to success. So here, it's easier.
Who said you have to dedicate your life to whoring out? You can have a perfectely fine and respectable normal work, and still enjoy having virgins, NEETs and losers fawn and admire your cosplaying body. And like I said, it's all fine.
Why do you interpret this as something bad? I have said time and time again that there's nothing wrong with wanting to look nice, or wanting attention. We all want attention, no one truly wants to be alone or be ignored and once again, if I looked nice like you do, I would do exactly what you do.
As for the "insults": EVERYONE who is popular gets them. It's part of being popular.