>>4061566women get violent with men because they are pretty confident there will be no consequences. they can't really do that much damage because they're tiny weak baby creatures, and men are expected to just "take it" and cover up for their woman's insane behavior. my live-in gf smacked the crap out of me during an argument a few months ago. it didn't hurt that much, but there was plenty of blood.
I moved out of the house and told her I wouldn't come back unless she went to couple's counseling with me and got evaluated by a shrink. she begged me come back after about four hours, but I stayed moved out for a week.
counseling worked pretty well. we've only had one big fight since and we resolved it by leaving each other alone for a few hours. she was also diagnosed bipolar by the shrink.
basically in my case it was just a matter of making her realize that her behavior was totally out of bounds and had real consequences (ie, me leaving). I also managed to establish pretty concretely that her behavior was not my fault.
good luck OP