What's ur best "LIBTARD GET REKT" moment?
Ben Shapiro Jr. ID:xpS3PgxB No.6700033 View ViewReport Quoted By:
<Aight, so I was in elementaREEE school at the time (lul XD "REEE" get it?!?!)
<and my NPC beta cuck sóybóy teacher said "ANON, WHAT IS TWO PLUS TWO?".
<I then stood up and shidded my pants in front of the hole clasroom
<and had a really loud fart afterwards that sounded like it said "five".
<After that I dabbed the dankest dab I could ever dab and screamed at the top of my lungs "ULTIMATE LIBTARD REKT COMPILATION"
<and every1 in the classroom clapped, or fapped, I can't remember which