>>20912353¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just telling it as it is bub. We all have commited sins against the most high God, all of us are worthy of destruction for a detestable deeds, and can never pay the price for them. You did feel guilty, once, your conscious screamed at you for it, but you ignored it like most do and continued until you could no longer hear the truth. From innocent children we began our journeys to harden our hearts and stray from the way we were supposed to be. Thats why Christ died to forgive us of these crimes we could never repay. On the day of judgement, you will stand before Christ be judged for all of your deeds, and will be found undeniably guilty and seperated from the source of all life and truth and good for all eternity. The only thing that can save you is the blood of Christ. I pray you will repent and turn to Him, but i know the odds are not favorable for that outcome. For the road to hell is broad and many walk it, but the path to life is narrow, and very few ever find it. Cast aside your pride and turn to him, or spend eternity gnashing your teeth and weeping wishing you had listened. This conversation will be held against you as witness when you try to claim "You never knew" and "nobody ever told me". Best of luck m8