>>21593660My family is catholic maybe they will kick me out if they found out. Im not a gay ass faggot. Im heterosexual
>>21594150Theres differents types of femboy ik. I will be a nazi femboy. I also like the waffen ss uniform and i would love to wear it too but its kinda expensive
>>21594235Why it was the biggest mistake of ur life? Its just girl clothes
>>21594509My discord is cerv19_23437 anyone can add me
>>21595172Good english and pronuncioation. I learned english thx to the youtubers i watched but my pronuncioation is bad. I sound almost like a pajeet
>>21595310Im not gay. Im heterosexual cis white male
>>21595368Im degradin ms? Im actually addicted to watching femboy porn on reddit. I dont really leave my room much. And im doomscroll 14 hrs a day. The attention is kinda good. I will go to they gym but i will.only do legs. I still have a descicion to make
>>21595505Thx i read it all and it is really helpful. I will try do the couch to 5k
>>21595808Idont really have much experiencie with women. I spended my teenage years watchin youtube and not really out. But maybe try showin her ur white aryan superiority