>>18502623>You disgust me...>Purely of your father, you say, I see that more with each passing second. You carry within you his same sick perversions and desires. >But your father was also a valuable tool.>And despite my better judgement... I will make use of you as well>You are correct, loathe as I am to say it, we will strike at the pigdogs by taking their very land out from under them. The red flag of communism will fly above their homes, their workplaces, their very country. They will sob and they will beg, and they will find themselves kneeling before me.>Then... you may do with them as you wish. I care not for the trifling secondary prizesThe Empress hisses as the panda grovels at her feet. Striking out with a heeled foot, she kicks the whining servant as one would a dog.
>Debasing yourself before me is good.>But I know that it brought your sire a sick sense of joy. I will not have you use me for your disgusting fantasies as he did.>...>Nor will I have you setting off to opium dens and who knows where. >No.>I will come with you to inspect my prize.>Lead on to the Night Villa... to my new villa, I should say, and I shall not leash you like the beast you are