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Why are Indians so whiny?
The company where I work unfortunately has a lot of Jeets, and every day the take their shameless whining to new heights. Mostly asking me to do their job for them or asking me to go out of my way for them.
Actual conversation I had with a Jeet coworker the other day:
> Me: Hey so as we agreed you do these two spreadsheets and I'll do the other two.
> Him: Actually spreadsheets 2 and 3 are similar, so why don't you do spreadsheets 1, 2, and 3.
> Me: No? We agreed that we'd each do two.
> Him: Can you just do it? I'm new to the team and idk what's going on blah blah blah
He joined the team two months ago and the work we were doing was simple busywork. Whenever he gets a new task he starts whining how he's new to the team and nobody's there to help him etc.
Yet when I ask someone to do something for me team (something explicitly part of their responsibilities), they're busy or don't want to.
Every jeet I see even outside of work always demands special treatment.